At around 14 years old, Arthur has already been through so much. He came into our care as a stray from a rural community, emaciated with a body condition score of just 2/9, covered in fleas, and with diarrhea matted into his fur. Weak in his hind end with significant muscle loss in both legs, Arthur’s condition was heartbreaking to witness.
Bloodwork revealed abnormalities in his liver enzymes and other parameters, but these are believed to be a result of starvation and the severe flea infestation. Despite his frail state, Arthur’s high spirits shine through... especially when treats are involved!
Arthur’s journey to recovery will be a long one, but he is already making strides with plenty of love, care, and good nutrition. To give Arthur the best chance at a comfortable and happy life, he’ll need a carefully managed re-feeding plan, ongoing bloodwork to monitor his liver and other health parameters and a major dental surgery to address his oral health. Can you help give this sweet little old man a second chance to feel safe, loved and free of pain? With your support, we can give Arthur the golden years he deserves.
Email updates showing Arthur's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care.
Care requirements include ongoing bloodwork, managed feeding plan, flea treatment, major dental surgery, pain management, follow up veterinary exams and daily care until Arthur is ready for adoption.
If the amount raised for Arthur exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need.
Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience!
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