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Macchiato Is Despurrate For Help

$6,030.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. Van Gogh
  3. Ian Legge
  4. Anonymous
  5. Caeley Lorincz
  6. Anonymous
  7. Anonymous
  8. Anonymous
  9. Kelsey Chambers
  10. Jaymi sidor
  11. Judy Lefebvre
  12. Anonymous
  13. Anonymous
  14. Lindsey McNish
  15. Brad Bolton
  16. Inez Wong
  17. Teresa Ilnicki
  18. Anonymous
  19. Anonymous
  20. Anonymous
  21. Shannon Mick
  22. Elizabeth Castle
  23. Anonymous
  24. Jason Freeman
  25. Anonymous
  26. Anonymous
  27. Anonymous
  28. Sherri Peters
  29. Tammy Biickert
  30. Elenore Cousart
  31. Erin Bush
  32. Karolina Gruhs
  33. Anonymous
  34. Leanne Wong
  35. Sydney Candy
  36. Anonymous
  37. Jennifer Martens
  38. Colette Miller
  39. Linda Prediger
  40. Anonymous
  41. Anonymous
  42. Adriana
  43. Katalin Allen
  44. Tanaysa Spyglass
  45. Merrill Jamieson
  46. Anonymous
  47. Margaret Beebe
  48. Linda Prediger
  49. Laurie Slavin
  50. Anonymous
  51. Anonymous
  52. Nicole Baldwin
  53. Katalin Allen
  54. Anonymous
  55. Anonymous
  56. Macchiato
  57. Katie Cross
  58. Alyssa
  59. Anonymous
  60. Miwa
  61. Wanda L Ross
  62. Tammy Boyce
  63. Simo Zarkovic
  64. Wendy Edwards
  65. Natasha Duce
  66. Deborah Armstrong
  67. Gigi Li
  68. Anonymous
  69. Andrew Traynor
  70. Valerie Derksen
  71. Erin Orsini
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Can you imagine how painful it must be for your knees to pop out of place? Now can you imagine it happening regularly? For this 6-year-old beauty, that's reality.

Macchiato was diagnosed with luxating patellas in both of her knees, meaning her knees "pop out" or move out of their normal position. This is an incredibly painful condition, affecting Macchiato's mobility and her quality of life.

Depending on the severity of the luxation, it often requires surgical repair to stabilize the knees. Luxating Patella surgery is generally done by an orthopedic surgeon and not done in regular practice as it's a specialized procedure. Unfortunately, Macchiato needs surgery in both of her knees. She cannot have them done at the same time, so needs to have them done 6 weeks apart.

Getting Macchiato the help she despurrately needs and deserves is a top priority. This lovely girl deserves a chance at a normal life. Can you help her get there?

Email updates showing Macchiato's progress will be provided to those who donate towards her care. Read Macchiato's first email update here and her second email update here!

Care requirements include two luxating patella surgeries, pain medications, follow up x-rays, and daily care until Macchiato is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Macchiato exceeds her cost of care, funds will help other animals in need. 

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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