Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience!
AARCS Critical Care provides surgery, treatments, medications and emergency veterinary care for animals in desperate need of help. We rely on compassionate animal lovers to provide funds to help cover the cost needed to treat critical care cases for these deserving animals.
Our supporters told us that they wanted to help specific medical cases, but were often left wondering how the animal was doing following their treatment. So, now when you donate to an animal through this page, you will be added to a special email list that will get a personal update on that animal.
Not to worry, we will not postpone medical attention even if we don't reach our goal — the animals get immediate care — we just really need your support to help cover these costs, which often exceed thousands of dollars per case, so we can continue to help more animals in need.