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Helping Bow Heal

$8,195.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Gus and Grace
  2. Ann Tyler
  3. Anonymous
  4. Ken McEwen
  5. cindy downey
  6. Anonymous
  7. Anonymous
  8. Heather Parker
  9. Inez Wong
  10. Anonymous
  11. Gwen Bentley
  12. Debra Lee Lawes
  13. K Foster
  14. Amanda Ryan
  15. Anonymous
  16. Marg Beebe
  17. Donna Skimming
  18. Ann Clipstone
  19. Dustin Polsom
  20. Tracy
  21. Linda MacDonald
  22. Ken Onyschuk
  23. Anonymous
  24. Barbara Hyciek
  25. Della
  26. Claudia Woolner
  27. Anonymous
  28. Claudette Lachance
  29. Carlene Kaup
  30. Anonymous
  31. Anonymous
  32. Linda Tsang
  33. Renee Monty Bird
  34. Mary E. Mitchell
  35. Sam Kelley
  36. Barbara J Keates
  37. Alison Lang
  38. Wendy Schimpf
  39. Heather Zemanek
  40. Anonymous
  42. Elzbieta T Jadczyk
  43. Anonymous
  44. Carli Daloise
  45. Halyna Saciuk
  46. Angela Sweetfaulkner
  47. Davey Robertson
  48. Karolina Gruhs
  49. Olga Radostina
  50. Anonymous
  51. Anonymous
  52. LarryS
  53. Anonymous
  55. Laurie Berryman
  56. Carolyn McDonald
  57. Hoteamom
  58. Anonymous
  59. Brenda Haras
  60. Sonia Jokic
  61. Beki Hunt
  62. Dana Wight
  63. Jennifer Ellen
  64. Meagan Rodriguez
  65. Cindy Moreault
  66. Steve FOOTE
  67. Ciara Lays
  68. Peter Jauch
  69. Anonymous
  70. Lauren Cross
  71. Anonymous
  72. Bri MacBain
Fundraiser Profile Image

Our hearts are hurting for Bow, and we sure hope you can help him.

Bow came to us from a rural area after being severely attacked by other dogs. He is just a young dog at around 6 months old and has undoubtedly experienced more trauma than most. 

Bow had surgery after the attack to help close his wounds and repair his injuries. He is beginning the long road to recovery in a loving foster home, but the extent of his injuries mean he will need continued veterinary care for several weeks. Right now, Bow needs several appointments each week in our veterinary hospital so that we can tend to his major wounds -- specifically the one on his neck.

This young pup deserves a chance to live without pain. Can you contribute to his care so he can experience life as a beloved house pet?

Email updates showing Bow's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. 

Care requirements include many weeks of ongoing surgical correction to manage the various and large wounds, follow up care and pain management, and daily care until Bow is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Bow exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need. 

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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