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Fixing Silver's Chronic Injury

$2,150.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Wanda Wenman
  2. Linda McEwen
  3. Lia Cultraro
  4. Dianne Dame
  5. Carolyn Leonard
  6. Jason Freeman
  7. Heather Molyneaux
  8. Heather Peterson
  9. Lori Smehoff
  10. Trudy Nastiuk
  11. Shaunna Weir
  12. Crissy Redford
  13. Bobbi Biglow
  14. Poppa Russ 71
  15. Melissa Mccann
  16. Kathy Szabo
  17. Kyla Stein
  18. Brenda Ritchie
  19. Wendy Edwards
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Silver may be new to AARCS, but this lovable boy is no stranger to pain.

Silver transferred to our care from a partner agency in Northern Alberta. He was limping, and during an exam by our veterinarians, we learned he has a chronic broken hip, meaning it has been this way for quite some time. Our veterinarians are going to do what they can in an effort to save his leg! Silver will be undergoing a Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) surgery soon in which the top of the femur, or the ball in the ball-and-socket joint of the hip, will be removed and scar tissue will form during the healing process to provide cushioning.

Our hope is that this surgery will allow Silver to move pain-free! If the FHO surgery is not successful, we may have to amputate the leg on the damaged side.

Your support will help Silver and other animals like him to regain mobility and have a chance at a relatively pain-free life. Can you step up for this sweet pup and help us get him back on his feet?

Email updates showing Silver's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. Read Silver's first email update here!

Care requirements include pre- and post-operative x-rays, FHO surgery, pain management medications and daily care until Silver is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Silver exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need.

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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