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Several Pups Are Sick With Parvo

$7,650.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Gus and Grace
  2. Catherine Hodak-Andersen
  3. Sharon Charlene Cade
  4. In loving memory of Finn Jake Max and Habo
  5. Pardeep Parhar
  6. Mark Kozak
  7. Anonymous
  8. Natalie
  9. Jason Freeman
  10. Anonymous
  11. Jason Freeman
  12. Gwen Bentley
  13. Kato
  14. Anonymous
  15. Brenda Fridas
  16. Monika Tallerico
  17. Kimberly E Moore
  18. Davina
  19. Lorraine Agudon
  20. Carrie Moore
  21. Myrna Boucher
  22. Meds
  23. Karen Foster
  24. M kutsch
  25. Anonymous
  26. Anonymous
  27. Anonymous
  28. Cecily Gordon
  29. Melissa Hayward-Cheung
  30. From Elara Jeanie Weekes
  31. Lindsay Little
  32. Steve Jensen
  33. Brenda Ritchie
  34. Ann Laprade
  35. Ellen F Reichbart
  36. Anonymous
  37. Anonymous
  38. Deborah Godin
  39. Shanell Aas
  40. Anonymous
  41. Anonymous
  42. Diana Muzyka
  43. Anonymous
  44. Anonymous
  45. Stephanie Clarkson
  46. Excell Auto Center
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UPDATE MAY 21: Three new intakes, Hyacinth, Daphne and Francesca, have also now tested positive for parvovirus. Their sister, Eloise, is on watch for parvovirus as well but doing well so far! Please send your best to all of our sick puppies – they need all the help they can get right now.

We have three confirmed very sick puppies, and three more we are worried about, who need urgent help.

Denner, Kahlua and Elara have all tested positive for canine parvovirus, while their littermates Jeanie, Abbie and Wyson are all headed to the veterinarian for testing. They have already started showing symtpoms and we are worried that the entire litter is sick.

Parvovirus is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease that causes fever, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite, among other worrisome symptoms. Unvaccinated puppies are highly susceptible to the disease, and treatment is not always enough to save an infected dog.

We are going to do everything we can to save these 3-month-old babies. Although 24-hour hospitalization is costly, it is what they need, and we are determined to give them the very best chance at survival.

Your gift will make a massive difference. With your help, we can ensure these pups get the medical attention they so desperately need. If you're able, please help us give Denner, Kahlua, Jeanie, Elara, Abbie and Wyson a fighting chance.

Email updates showing the puppies' progress will be provided to those who donate towards their care. Read their first email update heresecond email update here and third email update here.

Care requirements include hospitalization, IV medication administration, repeated bloodwork daily, medication, personal protective equipment, time spent in isolation and medication administration by a vet or tech, along with daily care until Denner, Kahlua, Jeanie, Elara, Abbie and Wyson are feeling better and ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for these pups exceeds their cost of care, funds will help other animals in need. 

Please note that when donating to more than one animal fundraiser, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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