A Fresh Start for Zeke

$3,255.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Dana Currie
  2. Wanda Wenman
  3. Anonymous
  4. Debra Lawes
  5. Carolyn Leonard
  6. Heather Molyneaux
  7. Anonymous
  8. Lois Raposo
  9. Dr Taj Mahal
  10. AJM
  11. Janice Edwards
  12. Anonymous
  13. Remy Espinosa
  14. David van Slooten
  15. Jacqueline Vammen
  16. Monique Ross
  17. Kyla Stein
  18. Don Crippen
  19. Anonymous
  20. Donna Jeffery
  21. Bernadette Gristwood
  22. Tammy Boyce
  23. Wendy Edwards
  24. Anonymous
Fundraiser Profile Image

Zeke's story is heart-wrenching. This sweet young dog came to AARCS from a partner organization, bearing a devastating wound on his front paw. Tragically, he has lost three toes, leaving an open, painful wound. We can't say for sure what caused such a horrific injury, but it’s possible he was caught in a trap.

To free Zeke from his suffering and give him a chance at a happy life, he needs a leg amputation. This surgery is critical to restore his mobility and ensure he lives pain-free. On top of this, poor Zeke has severely diseased and fractured teeth, requiring immediate dental surgery.

Despite enduring immense pain, Zeke remains incredibly friendly and full of love. He deserves a chance to move past this trauma and find a forever home where he can thrive. Your donation can make a world of difference for Zeke. Will you help him get the life-saving care he needs?

Email updates showing Zeke's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. Read Zeke's first email update here!

Care requirements include amputation surgery, dental surgery, pain management and medications, laser therapy and daily care until Zeke is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Zeke exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need. 

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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