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Two Hip Surgeries and Physiotherapy for Clayton

$4,040.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Jake and Indy
  2. Anonymous
  3. Anonymous
  4. Linda,Ed and Roxy Cole
  5. Margaret Beebe
  6. Debbie B
  8. Carmen J Zlatnik
  9. Jason Freeman
  10. Tim McCreight
  11. Anonymous
  12. Gwen Bentley
  13. Anonymous
  14. Lori Bacon
  15. Anne Checkwitch
  16. Kurt Brands
  17. Kelly Hess
  18. Anonymous
  19. Anonymous
  20. Lorie Chabun
  21. Anonymous
  22. Laraine Butt
  23. Amber Steele
  24. Anonymous
  25. LynnJanetPhillippe
  26. Jason Freeman
  27. Wendy Edwards
  28. Finny the lab
  29. Anonymous
  30. Kluane Claiter
  31. Julie
  32. Anonymous
  33. Olga Radostina
  34. Merrill Jamieson
  35. Rebecca Isbister
  36. Mia Novodvorsky
  37. Anonymous
  38. donna hammerschmidt
  39. Mia Novodvorsky
  40. Dana Wight
  41. Anonymous
  42. Caitlin Hunter
  43. Margaret Beebe
  44. Sue Cardinal
  45. Eileen Streit
  46. Anonymous
  47. Cathy Pigeon
  48. Andrea Gillis
  49. Danielle Campbell
  50. Anonymous
  51. Anonymous
  52. Carmen Olano
Fundraiser Profile Image

Clayton is a sweet puppy who came to us as a stray. At just three months old, he had two fractured hips and a fractured tibia - major injuries, especially for a growing pup.

He required Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) surgeries on both hips to restore pain-free mobility to the damaged hips by removing the head and neck of the femur. Unfortunately, because he also had a fractured tibia, we were unable to proceed with the repair to his left hip until the tibia fracture healed.

After three months, Clayton's tibia has now healed and he has undergone both FHO surgeries. However, he is experiencing some issues with post-operative healing and needs physiotherapy to promote healthy recovery.

Between his two surgeries and 6-8 weeks of physiotherapy, Clayton's medical expenses are significant. Can you help him get the care he needs to be a carefree puppy?

Email updates showing Clayton's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. Read Clayton's first email update here and his second email update here!

Care requirements include two FHO surgeries, 6-8 weeks of physical therapy, pain management medications and daily care until Clayton is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Clayton exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need.

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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