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Bernard's Broken Paw Needs Your Love

$2,500.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. T-Ma
  2. Anonymous
  3. Thilanka Galappaththi
  4. Linda McEwen
  5. Gwen Bentley
  6. Jason Freeman
  7. Carolyn Leonard
  8. Anonymous
  9. Debra Lee Lawes
  10. Anonymous
  11. Carmen Kurtz
  12. Rosanna MacDougall
  13. Anonymous
  14. Jason Freeman
  15. Anonymous
  16. W Ulan
  17. Blair Russell
  18. Jacqueline Oulton-Bell
  19. Rhonda Summers
  20. Marc Motiejunas
  21. Margaret Beebe
  22. Ramanjit Khabra
  23. Tricia Reinson-Adam
  24. Eileen Streit
  25. Lisa Rideout
  26. Wendy Edwards
  27. Ramneet Seera
  28. Anonymous
  29. Rheana Khabra
  30. LadySwarvoskira
  31. Raquel Oldford
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Introducing Bernard, the beautiful boy with a broken leg and nowhere to call home. 

This young fellow was found running at large out of city limits. He was found with an injury, so he was transferred into our care by Alberta SPCA and taken to an emergency clinic by a good samaritan. He was in ruff shap. X-rays revealed that he has a broken front leg (radius and ulna are fractured). Although we do not know the cause of his injury, we know that something very traumatic happened to him. Since nobody came forward for him, Bernard was left without a home in which to heal and rest.

When we have a patient with a broken bone that requires surgical correction, we have to act fast. Bernard was immediately splinted so that the fracture could be stabilized until surgical intervention could occur. He was placed on pain medication to manage his undeniable pain. We are looking into sending him to a vet that performs fracture repairs as we want to do whatever we can to save this leg!

Bernard has a long road of recovery ahead of him and he needs your support and love. Can you step up to support Bernard where others couldn't? 

Email updates showing Bernard's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. Read Bernard's first email update here and his second email update here!

Care requirements include surgical fracture repair, pain management medications, follow up x-rays and exams, and daily care until Bernard is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Bernard exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need.

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

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