Rutabaga Gets the Snip

$280.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. rescuesrbest
  2. Jason Freeman
  3. Anonymous
  4. Donna Jeffery
  5. Anonymous
Fundraiser Profile Image

Rutabaga has been through a lot in his little life. This resilient chinchilla arrived in our care in rough shape – both of his ears are torn, and he’s missing one or two digits on each paw. Whether he was injured by something or lived in poor conditions, we may never know; but we do know that Rutabaga deserves a fresh start.

Before he can move forward on his journey to adoption, he needs to be neutered to prevent any unwanted babies! We’re sending him to a specialized veterinarian with experience in chinchilla surgery for this. Once he’s healed, he’ll be ready to find a loving forever home where he can finally feel safe and cherished.

Your donation will help cover the cost of his surgery and ongoing care. Every little bit makes a difference in Rutabaga’s journey to a brighter future!

Email updates showing Rutabaga's progress will be provided to those who donate towards his care. 

Care requirements include pre-anaesthetic bloodwork, neuter surgery with a specialist, pain medications, follow up veterinary care and daily care until Rutabaga is ready for adoption. 

If the amount raised for Rutabaga exceeds his cost of care, funds will help other animals in need.

Please note that when donating to more than one animal, your credit card may be flagged for unusual activity. We recommend waiting a few minutes between transactions to prevent this error. Thank you for your patience! 

Words of support (1)

Please donate to share your support.

  • Donna Jeffery
    $20      1 month
    You are a surviver, little buddy! Hoping your life is long and happy!